Steel Frame Manufacturing

Faaliyet gösterdiği iş kollarında; sertifikalı hizmetin, tecrübeli insan kaynağının, güncel teknoloji imkanlarının ve gelecek vizyonunun ürünü olarak kurulan SFM, makina imalat süreçlerindeki mühendisliğe çelik kaideler üretiyor.

EN 1090 is required harmonised standard for certifying of CE steel construction materials. Usage of EN 1090 Standards and regulations for steel construction materials has been a legal obligation since 1 July 2014. The aim of the regulation of construction materials is to keep desired level at the safety performance of the constructions.

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ISO 3834, which is used for determine the manufacturer’s welding ability, assumes the assessment function of welding quality system. Through provision of standard, the control of manufacturing is regulated in welded manufacturing business.

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ISO 14001 is a standard that guides for determination of environmental factors in the process from the raw material of product to submitting to customers appreciation and minimizing the environmental damage by controlling these factors apart from taking due precautions. ISO 14001 is a management system that systematically reducing destruction of environment due to organizations and eliminating in the possible situations.

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The main purpose of ISO 45001; to establish and manage healthy and safety work environment by eliminating or minimizing the given risks in the consideration of the legal regulations regarding occupational health and safety (OHS).

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The EN 15085 standard is a series of standards established by the European Committee for Standardization, covering the production, revision, and maintenance criteria for railway vehicles and components. This standard series is applicable to the manufacturing and maintenance phases of railway vehicles and components, specifically focusing on the principles of welding metal materials.

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Partners of
Steel Frame Manufacturing

SFM always has the excitement, dedication and effort necessary with a consistent engineering approach to achieve successful projects with its solution partner by focusing on the target.